Wavelet coherence

A matlab toolbox for cross-wavelet and wavelet coherence analysis

This project is maintained by grinsted

How should the phase arrows be interpreted?

The phase arrows show the relative phasing of two time series in question. This can also be interpreted as a lead#lag. How it should be interpreted is best illustrated by example:

figure('color',[1 1 1])
Y=sin(t-1); %X leads Y.
xwt([t X],[t Y]); % phase arrows points south east


Phase arrows pointing * right: in-phase * left: anti-phase * down: X leading Y by 90 degrees * up: Y leading X by 90 degrees

Note: interpreting the phase as a lead(#lag) should always be done with care. A lead of 90 degrees can also be interpreted as a lag of 270 degrees or a lag of 90 degrees relative to the anti-phase (opposite sign).